Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saturday Bliss

B = whey shake; soy rooibos
S = keto bar; soy latte
L = chilli edamame; ruby grapefruit and chicken salad; fruit/vege raw juice
S = keto bar; roy latte
D = seafood buffet + cheeses and fruit

What a great day & I stuck to the plan - a totally green day!!!

MIL and 2 x BILs came to visit, help out and say their "goodbyes". They looked after Lilli and I took the train down to SYDNEY to go to a bra shop that's caters to 'larger sizes'.

Got fitted for a bra 16L!!! OMG!!! They didn't have any in 'stock' so hopefully the order they place will arrive before I leave. Where do Pamela Anderson and Jordan get their sexy bras? I am telling you, there is 'nothing' sexy in a 16L.

After the fitting (took a while) had a wander around and was thrilled to find a restaurant that I had read a review on, about a year ago - Wagamama' I would describe it as Japanese health food. Great food, great service and best of all - uninterrupted. Sat and ate and read my book (Eat, Pray, Love) which is shaping up to be a fun read.

Then went clothes shopping at the huge Myer. I have dropped about 3 dress sizes so it was quite a pleasant experience. Got a pair of red pants and a red top for Christmas. A dress that I love, but am not sure about - perhaps I could try a poll on that too. My husband was always good to give an honest answer, but he's not much use being so far away.

Dinner at a local resort. Seafood buffet. Very yummy oysters, lobster and crab mmmmmmm. Pleasant company too.



maria said...

I've tried to join "Wagamama" online and be a member but need to actually visit a Wagamama to do it and there isn't one in Geelong. I have passed one in Melbourne but keep forgetting to go in and fill out a form! My sister in Sydney says Wagamama isn't too special in her opinion? I'm still very keen to try it!

I'm a size 22D and to get a bra that actually holds my boobs up - well, they're not pretty. I went to the "Bra Shop" once and was properly fitted but I don't think it worked somehow. The bra's ended up being the most uncomfortable I've ever worn.

Dropping 3 dress sizes.. that's impressive Shar! If you do any poll's.. I'll always participate in them! :-) Wish I could have joined you for that lovely seafood buffet. Mmm Mmm.

Tiffany said...

ah the bra size post... lol! ;) im a 16DD and im quite peeved at how many pretty bras dont go past a 14c! ARGH!
i think ive seen wagarama in melb.. not sure..
dropping 3 dress sizes is awesome! woohoo!!!
i have heard of the eat pray love book on oprah, she said 2 someone in the crowd 'you have got to read that book eat pray love' and then the next day i found it in kmart.. i might pick it up next time! ;)