Saturday, July 5, 2008


Following a diet in the BDS Plan doesn't start until the second week. In that time I am going to try eating like (I would consider) a normal person would eat. No carb restrictions, the occasional bit of chocolate, etc. It will be interesting to see what happens with my weight now that I am on the Metformin.

I was considerably more physical today. I think it helped that I did my exercises in the morning rather than later in the day.

Sit Down To Eat The task in BDS today was about appreciating food and making a change from this point on, to SIT when eating every morsel of food. This makes a whole lot of sense to me as I graze a lot. It will be really hard too, as I think a lot of my eating when preparing food is unconscious and habitual.

I discovered a helpful strategy by accident today. My daughter recieved a lot of lollies and chocolates from her teacher as an end of year present. She has been in the fridge all day - sneakily as she knows she is limited to just a couple of treats a day. So, I locked the fridge. I found that it worked for me because I have to actually aknowlege that I am about to eat something and then think about whether I need to be doing it or not

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