Sunday, July 6, 2008


try to drink more water nope, drank a bit but not enough

restrict eating to 5 x day nope, the morning was good but the afternon/evening I was feeling hungry
20 mins yoga yes, and a bit more
Day 4 yes!

Feeling a bit of nausea off and on, I am assuming it is the Metformin. Still wanting to eat a lot without the upset tummy though. Managed to stick to my plan of only eating sitting down (except for 1 cherry) - I think that helps a lot. I am really enjoying just eating what the rest of the family is eating. Today I had white wheat products at every meal - loved it, but I know that I won't feel well if I continue to eat so much refined flour. It would be nice one day just to live striking a nice balance.

Am getting good support from 'buddies' also wanting to lose weight at the Daily Strength website. It does help to know that I am able to share this with someone and that I am not doing everything completely on my own.

The WW dvd recommends doing the dvd only every second day to allow the muscles to repair. I have decided to do walking or yoga on the off days. I had a yoga dvd and so did it for the first time. Very frightening, my movements are so restricted. I think I am going to have to reconsider the yoga.

The BDS topic for the day is Build Your Confidence. From this day onwards I am going to give myself credit for even the little things that I do to help my situation, develop strategies for reminding myself to do this, and to counteract self critisism and sabotaging thoughts. I really have to start listening to those little thoughts in my mind. At this point I am not thinking about what I eat - I just seem to do it without thinking.

I am going to get my bracelet fixed and start using it as a charm bracelet with a charm for every 5kg. A constant reminder of successes. I am also going to write down at least one thing I do each day that makes me proud of myself.

Today's I did good

Today I worked on my weight loss blog and got it up to date. I wrote in this journal when I didn't really want to, ditto for doing some exercise. Good on me!

GOALS FOR DAY 5 - the same as day 4

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